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We help people understand themselves and their colleagues so that they can have more respectful, productive and positive working relationships, even across virtual boundaries.

  1. Individuals understand their own and others’ communication preferences.

  2. They can connect better with their colleagues to improve collaboration.

  3. They have a common language to help them overcome challenges and conflict.

We help companies invest in people development to create communication that is

consistently clear and respectful. Ensuring managers know how to motivate their

people, help salespeople beat their targets by understanding how to relate to their

customers, and ensure everyone on the team is working towards the same goals.


Key chapters include:

  • Strengths, weaknesses and value to the team

  • Management -how you like to manage and be managed

  • Communication style

  • Sales effectiveness

  • Creating your ideal working environment.

Discovery Personal Profile:

Everyone receives a unique and in-depth Insights Discovery Personal Profile, which

is the core of a host of different learning experiences -from individual coaching

sessions to e-learning to group workshops.Using the profiles as a springboard, we

work with your people, teams and leaders to tackle the challenges that are standing

between them and peak performance, such as effective communication,

management styles, sales performance and finding an environment that inspires

them to do their best work.


By applying the model to a variety of business challenges, we focus on your

most important asset, your people.

  1. Improving team productivity:

Used in conjunction with our teamwork programmes, Insights Discovery tackles

collaboration, communication and working relationships.

 2. Increasing personal effectiveness:

Used as part of a one-to-one coaching programme, can help people create a tailor-

made development plan.

 3. Boosting sales performance:

By looking at the effectiveness of your salespeople at each stage of the sales cycle,

we create strategies to improve customer relationships and smash targets.

 4. Introducing a common language:

The language of colour spreads quickly throughout organisations -it's memorable,

simple to understand and means that the learning isn't forgotten once people are

back on the day job.

What is it based on?

- The Insights Discovery model is based on the extensive research of Swiss

   psychologist Carl Jung and one of his leading students Dr Jolande Jacobi.

- The model uses four colours to represent observable behavioural patterns which are

   measured by the Insights Discovery evaluator, which when completed produces your

   Insights Discovery Personal Profile.

How Are We Different?

We know that learning and development isn't a check-box exercise. It's not just a day

out of the office. It's more than team bonding or team building or a one-off event to

build morale.

It’s a journey that begins with increasing the self-awareness of your people and

leads to real breakthroughs in the success of your business – and that’s why our

approach is different.


Self-awareness is the beginning of every journey that counts, so our first step is to

help everyone in your business understand themselves and others. We cement that

learning through technology, so that understanding is embedded quickly ...



Then we rapidly move to application. Our accessible language of colour makes it

easy for people to apply what they've learned to the day job. That means the

learning can be quickly applied to the real challenges affecting your people, teams

and leaders. From day one, you'll see measurable impact ...



This is where the business breakthroughs happen. We help people to build better

relationships at work. By improving countless interpersonal interactions across your

business every day, you'll reach a tipping point where business breakthroughs begin

to happen almost immediately.



Employee Engagement

Leadership Development

Change Management

High performing teams are non-

negotiable for successful organisations.

Highly cohesive teams are seriously

committed, work harder, are more

satisfied by their work, and experience

less intra-team conflict. Where

relationships improve, so do many things

fundamental to team success, including

productivity, communication, clarity of

role and purpose, and overall team


We’ll work with your teams to take their

performance from good to great by

getting to the heart of what's affecting

their performance. Because when great

teamwork is central to your

organisational culture, business success

is that much more likely to follow.

By focusing on the individual, we're

increasing engagement from the inside

of an organisation - engagement

becomes something that employees

choose to increase organically. This

makes it personal, tangible and


Having an engaged workforce is the key

to a lot of the problems facing today's

organisations - from staff and customer

retention to safety records, to

productivity, having engaged people on

your front line is key to business success.

There's a lot of responsibility on each

leader's shoulders. They're expected to

generate sustained, excellent results, all

while building a credible vision, infusing

that throughout their teams, getting

everyone on the same page, nurturing

talent, unifying remote teams,

communicating in a way that works for


By tackling self-awareness first, we help

leaders to see themselves more clearly -

where they're excelling, where they're

sinking and where they're just treading

water. We help leaders improve their

understanding of others - those they

lead, their peers and their own

managers, too.

Our leadership programme can be woven

into your existing learning and

development framework.

Change is no longer an event that

happens to people, teams or

organisations – it’s a constant state of

being, so much so that many

organisations exist in a state of

continuous transformation, just to stay


Our change programme, Thriving

Through Change, is a foundation to

understand how different people process

change in different ways. It helps learners

to understand their reaction to stress,

their preferred communication style

when it comes to change, how they

process information, and what motivates

and engages them when change is

underway. We help everyone to

proactively respond to changes rather

than just reacting to it.

Our Values?

Making a Difference:

We help our customers achieve their goals through simple and insightful people


Working Together:

We take personal responsibility, value differences and build open, honest and

respectful relationships.

Delivering Results:

We each play our part in growing our thriving, profitable and socially responsible


Enabling Success:

We support each other to achieve our personal and professional goals in a culture of

lifelong learning.

Enjoying the Journey:

We are inspired, motivated and committed -we love what we do.

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