SARS Source Codes
List of IRP5 source codes
A source code is a four digit identifier / number that SARS uses to capture information on the income tax return. It will usually appear alongside the amount it relates to. Source codes that might appear on your IRP5 are listed below.
3601 - Income or salary
3602 - Non-taxable income
3603 - Pension (PAYE)
3604 - Pension (Excl)
3605 - Annual payment
3606 - Commission
3607 - Overtime (PAYE)
3608 - Arbitration award
3609 - Arbitration award (Excl)
3610 - RAF annuity (PAYE)
3611 - Purchased annuity
3612 - Purchased annuity (Excl)
3613 - Restraint of trade
3614 - Other retirement lump sums
3615 - Director's remuneration
3616 - Independent contractors
3617 - Labour brokers
3701 - Travel allowance
3702 - Reimbursive travel>12 000
3703 - Reimbursive travel
3704 - Subsistence local
3705 - Subsistence allowance
3706 - Entertainment allowance
3707 - Share options
3708 - Public office
3709 - Uniform allowance
3710 - Tool allowance
3711 - Computer allowance
3712 - Phone allowance
3713 - Other allowances
3713 - Other Allowances (PAYE)
3714 - Non-taxable allowances
3714 - Other allowances (Excl)
3715 - Subsistence foreign
3717 - Broad-based emloyee share plan
3718 - Vesting instruments
3801 - General benefits
3802 - Use of car
3803 - Use of asset
3804 - Meals
3805 - Accommodation
3806 - Services
3807 - Loans or subsidy
3808 - Employee debt
3809 - Bursary / scholarship
3810 - Medical aid fringe benefit
3813 - Other medical costs
3815 - Non-taxable bursary
3816 - Use of motor vehicle by employer
3817 - Employer pension contribution
3820 - Bursaries / scholarships
3821 - Non-tax bursaries / scholarships
3822 - Non-tax fringe benefit immovable
3825 - Employer Provident Fund
3828 - Retirement annuity (employer) - benefit
3901 - Gratuities
3906 - Special lump sums
3907 - Other lump sums
3908 - Surplus apportionments
3909 - Unclaimed benefits
3915 - Retirement lump sum
3920 - Lump sum benefit
3921 - Living annuity, s15C
3922 - Death compensation
4001 - Current pension
4002 - Arrear pension
4003 - Provident fund
4004 - Arrear provident
4005 - Employee medical aid
4006 - Current RAF
4007 - Arrear RAF
4018 - Income protection
4024 - Other medical costs
4026 - NSF pension
4030 - Donations
4102 - PAYE (Pay As You Earn)
4115 - PAYE on Lump Sum payments
4116 - Medical scheme fees tax credit
4120 - Additional medical scheme fees tax credit
4141 - UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund)
4142 - Employer SDL contribution
4472 - Employers pension for employee
4473 - Employers provident for employee
4474 - Employer medical aid
4475 - Retirement annuity (employer) - deduction
4493 - Employers 7th sched medical